Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Have Arrived

I am in Ho Chi Minh City, but even the American pilot called it Saigon, so I guess that is what it will be from now on.  The flights didn't seem that bad, but there was a lot of them and a lot of moving around and getting delayed.  I flew from New York to San Francisco, then had a two-hour layover to board a flight to Hong Kong.  At less than 13 hours the flight was a lot shorter than I envisioned it to be.  For some reason I thought the Pacific took much longer to cross.  In Hong Kong, I had to get off the plane and go through security to reboard even though it was the same plane to Ho Chi Minh City.  Because of typhoons the past few days, flights were really backed up and a lot were cancelled.  Thankfully mine was only delayed about 2 hours, and I was even able to connect to the internet there.  Splendid.  

On that flight I opted to read this fascinating book on Vietnamese culture called Vietnam Today.  United Airlines only had one movie screen far away, but it was good in that it forced me to read this book that I really needed to read before I got here.  It talked a lot about having patience and gave many examples of the differences between Vietnam and Western culture.  After reading the book, when I was in Hong Kong, i saw a guy that had a sixth finger right next his thumb.  Now if you think this is crazy, when he turned his hand over, he has a swastika clear as day tattooed on his wrist.  The Germans standing next to me were gawking and whispering, but that could have just been about his unfortunate second pinky which, looking at the looking at the long fingernail could be very handy to him.  Anyhoo, I'm am not going to jump to any judgement, but it was just a shocking tattoo to see on a man that could not have been older than early to mid forties.

Other than that, and some slight confusion navigating the Hong Kong airport, there is nothing extraordinary to report.  Customs was a breeze (trying to steer away from using the term 'joke' although I just did there), and I could not have been more fortunate to have Brendan (my friend from home who is living here and whom I am staying with at first) pick me up at the airport.  I am sleeping in a nice alcove underneath his staircase, where I am going to attempt to fall asleep now, although it is mid afternoon for me.  

I can't believe I am actually here.  I have never been more excited (with a hint of nervousness) for anything in my life, and I can't wait to explore this city in the daylight.  It smells different, it feels different, and I am looking forward to be culturally shocked starting tomorrow.  This is going to be one hell of an adventure.  But don't worry, Dad, first things first is getting a job.

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